the Technology Framework for Hedge Funds

Started to trade - what next: ?
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What it is

g-aruda is an integrated, highly secure, mostly Linux based, mostly community based, customizable framework for all your application needs. Once we are in, you can hire a Front Office Developer right away!


Redundant MariaDB/Galera Cluster as a fast and secure database engine.

FIX Engine

QuickFIX Python Ready for accepting drop copy messages from major trading platforms.

Excel Integration

Tailor-made excel add-in for downloading data to the user spreadsheet. Add-in uses REST API calls to database via middle-ware.


An intelligent, distributed scheduler that can execute batches, reports, and data capture operations.


Web Service powered by Web2Py for the hardcore web application, middle-tier, API, and visualization needs. Secured via Traefik Proxy service and Google Auth.

Wiki and Task Management

We integrate Phabricator in the framework for Wiki, Project and Task Management. Optionally, Confluence and JIRA can be integrated.


SuitCRM for managing investor accounts and relationships. Custom integrations can be offered for specific requirements.


The framework can work well with ManageEngine Mobile Device Management suit. We help the procurement and configuration.


Centreon/Nagios framework for 24x7 monitoring of application and infrastructure.

Message Queue

RabbitMQ integrated - high-performance message queue for inter-connecting various applications using messages.

Trader Phones

Asterisk based low cost, but feature-rich phone system with audit friendly call recording and application integration.

Version Control

Subversion / SVN and/or GIT is included in the framework for managing code versioning and revision control.

What we are trying to solve?

Make your journey beautiful and bright - The long story!

We all start small, with limited capabilities. The investment management business is not different. During the initial stage, business runs with desktops and some outsourced file and mail system. Microsoft Excel used to be the primary "programming tool" and "database". Not very far, the business realizes the need for systems beyond Microsoft Excel. From the simple requirement of running a daily script to capture and store some market information, the requirement goes up and beyond the need for establishing trade and market data feed connectivity and enabling automatic booking, and so on. Despite all these requirements, the business may not be big enough to invest in an expensive technology team. That is where the g-aruda framework becomes relevant. With this customized, cloud, or in-house solution, the business can leave their basic technical necessities to us and focus on making money. As most of our gears are made from community software, it saves a lot of recurring licensing costs. At an appropriate time, the business can directly hire a front-office developer to take the custom requirements forward, without worrying about setting up an expensive application development infrastructure for developers to work on. Even if the business grown beyond the start-up state, if the firm feels the existing application framework requires a professional re-engineering, the g-aruda framework is an economic option. Being the gears are well-known community-based products, the reliability is proven. Solid Linux based products provide secure and stable application development and hosting infrastructure. Being VMWare and Docker-based design, the framework is cloud-friendly and provides you an option to choose between in-house, cloud-hosted, or hybrid architecture. This provides the flexibility to move across regions in unpredictable geopolitical scenarios.

Get in touch

We are one mail away from you, feel free to contact us

Regd. Office: 1603, The L. Plaza, 367 - 375 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


To know more, contact us on sales at, technical enquiries are at support at